Sunday, November 18, 2007

Unbeaten Kansas...#2 in BCS Poll

For all my friends who are most interested in this TOP news story..I am anyway....Kansas is now 11-0 and will play Missouri this Saturday for the right to play in the Big 12 Championship Game here in San Antonio on Dec. 2. My step-brother and his wife are Missouri grads and so my Step-Dad is a bug Mizzou fan. We have bet $5 on the football and basketball games for about 15 years. Many years..I get $15. Sometimes we send the $5 back and forth in the mail. So, we have our usual $5 bet on the game this Saturday. I am about to call my brother, Brad, to see about a bet with him. He lives outside Seattle and works for maybe I can win a white chocolate mocha with an extra shot of espresso!! :-)

Danny and I had a date night last night. Dinner at Piatti's and a movie..Bella. Great dinner and awesome movie. The only problem was I had a horrific headache which made me dizzy and nauseated. In the middle of the night, I barfed up all my dinner...not pretty or tasty at all. I was sweating and felt awful the rest of the night....finding it rather difficult to sleep. But, I got my butt up at 8AM and got ready for church. I had to serve Communion at 9:30 Mass today.
Jennifer and Ryan were here taking care of Master Paul. He loves it when they are here and they seem to enjoy him..and Miss Oreo. I think Ryan would take Oreo home in a heartbeat!

Some friends have asked recently, "what does Paul want for Christmas?" His answer is simply, "a donation to the nonprofit Brighton--they are helping me with my obstacles/challenges due to me having something called Sensory Integration, and they are not charging Mommy and to help me would be to help them!"

Danny and my other Longhorn friends and family won't appreciate these jokes..but they came from our good friends..the Murphy's. Terrence went to Texas Tech and thought these were worthy of sharing.....

1. Four UT Longhorns in a car, who's driving? The police.

2. The UT Longhorns have adopted a new 'Honor System'. Yes your Honor, No your Honor.

3. How do the UT Longhorns spend their first week at fall practice? Studying their Miranda Rights.

4. What do you call it, when a Longhorn goes on vacation? Time off for good behavior.

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