Friday, November 30, 2007

Happy Birthday Oreo

Miss Oreo Marie Niño is 4 years old today! Here is our sweet puppy dog relaxing in the house. She is the bestest doggie of all times! Danny gets after me when I cry to think about that one day...she won't be around. I hope it's another 12years+!!!!

I had my annual gyn appt with Dr. Gallagher today. Before my "exam" we talked about Maile, the Kansas Jayhawks--football and basketball, Kansas City (we both love it there) and about Paul. She said, "everything looks good." Of course it does Mary Shannon! :-) We agreed that I would not have a mammogram this year. Had one last Dec...will wait until next December.

After my appt I met my friend Carmen for lunch at Sea Island. We had a nice visit, but all that friend food has upset my tummy. I need to try and find a sitter for Paul tonight so we can attend a birthday party for my "spiritual advisor." Please pray I will be successful...

As we complete the month of November and enter into Advent Season..let us all remember this:

Over two thousand years ago, God presented the world with His ultimate gift--baby Jesus. Make Jesus the heartbeat of your home. Rejoice in God's blessings and praise Him. May the true Christmas spirit, which was born with a babe in Bethlehem, dwell forever in our hearts.