Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Missing Girls Night Out..Ho Hum

Tonight is GNO, but Danny is in Dallas for 2 days and so I stayed home getting things ready for our trip to St. Louis this weekend. Here's something interesting - my classmate, Dan, lives here in SA--works for AT&T. Well, he and his little family are on the same flight as us Friday morning. So, we will see one another bright and early in 2 days. I told him today on the phone, "dang, now I have to look cute!" We both said--we'll be the ones with the screaming kid! His daughter is one, but I have a feeling Paulie is a little louder than a sweet princess named Lauren. If you live in SA, stay away from Terminal 2 Friday morning! Two wild classmates and 2 toddlers will be present!

Had bible study this morning. Discussed Revelation Chapters 8, 9 and 10 (I think). A good small group discussion. I left early and missed the large group meeting. Ya know, had important things to do before my reunion.....manicure, pedicure, bank, etc. I did some packing today. You see, I am an accessory girl. And so it takes me a while to determine which accessories to bring. The right jewelry, shoes and purses. All the while trying to limit what I bring. I do pretty well most of the time. But I do have lots of cute jewelry! That and my makeup is ready. And the bare essentials, and I have already laid out most of Paul's clothes. The portable DVD player is charging for the plane ride; my IPOD is charging and my camera battery is charged and ready!

Oh, and I have to say Alma Mater is the ONLY Big 12 school undefeated in football! University of Kansas...ROCK CHALK JAYHAWK baby! We are 6-0! We play Colorado this Saturday in Boulder. I might get to watch the first half before we have to leave for my reunion. I wonder if Suzy and Jamie will provide a TV for me to watch the game?! Probably not.....I know who I can call to find out the final score......geez, am I part male or what?!

Danny has a client who passed away yesterday. So sad. Please pray for her soul and for peace and strength for her family. Her name is Gaye and lived in Arlington. Danny met with her children this afternoon. Her daughter was going thru some pictures and came across the Christmas pic of Paul just as Danny was pulling up to the house. She said...he looks like you (to Danny) and he said, oh wife. He showed her my pic and she said..."oh yes, he looks like Susan." :-) And we know he has my spirit and strong willed tendencies. Danny has a seminar in Dallas tomorrow from 9-2 and then he is on his way back...hopefully, to attend his CFP class. But he might not make it and just come home.

Bit of information for you as I sign off and head to bed......
Did you know our Founding Fathers chose the Eagle as our country's bird b/c it is the ONLY bird who can fly through a storm?! YUP!!!. I remembered this today as we were discussing something in bible study, but I didn't get the chance to share it with my group.

May His Light shine upon you each and every day! Take comfort in knowing that God is present in your life, available to meet every situation with you, that you are never left to face any problem alone.

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