Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Even More on Class Reunion..keep reading...

So tonight was GNO. For the new readers of my blog--GNO=Girls Night Out. Every Wed night at 7pm. It was an early evening though as us Mommies were tired. My usual 2 beers went down easy though....and the third was lurking nearby, but I did have to drive home don't you know!

Above are some pictures taken Sat night at my class reunion. Brian Belgeri and his lovely, and very sweet wife, Myra. Don't they make a nice couple?! He got lucky! The other picture is of Elaine, Suzy and Colleen. Elaine was my maid of honor in my first wedding--back in 1992. For those who don't know (which prob isn't many)--John was abusive, we divorced and he was murdered in 1996-and no, I did not do it. Suzy and I were joined at the hip a lot in high school. I picked her and Robbie up everyday for school during our junior year. Suzy was a dancing fool--like me and we also both loved Magic 108 and groups like Shalamar, Midnight Star, Klymaxx, etc. The third lovely gal is Colleen. She was so cute and fun to be around in high school and she is still the same! She lives in WI, while the other 2 gals live in the STL area. Danny heard some interesting stories about high school days and Susan's mustangs...... Not to be repeated here of course...!!!!
The talk among the ladies at the reunion--Tom Fischer! Ladies--you know what I'm talkin about! And nice to see that some things don't gentleman..who will remain nameless for now---was pretty drunk and at the end of the night, when all the lights came on the ballroom, he was stooped over in a chair looking pretty green. I later heard he did puke--but in a respectable place -- thank goodness! So much more to mention -- but I will close tonight with the AFTER PARTY at Helen Fitzgerald's-- is that right?! I think so.....but I am not familiar with the part of town we were in---so off a group of us went. Get this -- the big doorman, yeah, you're right--he did not wish to see any of our ID's---hello?! We are all hot and good looking people here...but I guess he knew....UGH! When we walked in---you guessed it--I think I could have been the Mom to many of the patrons. This is the really crazy thing--it was 12:30 or so and the bar closed at 1am--WHAT? Never heard of such a thing. Myra said the bars in the CITY of St Louis close at 3--so what we were doing there?! More fun conversation and silliness.......I don't know who was being silly -- ok, me. Ask Myra what Susan was doing as the young men walked past her on their way out...?! Thankfully, Danny is cool and doesn't mind (too much) me being silly. I did not want the night to was kind of a weird feeling. I don't want to wait 5 years to see all of these people again.
As usual--I will sign off with a little inspiration/motivation:
"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24
God created this day, and it is up to each one of us to rejoice and be grateful. We give thanks to Him when we treasure each day and use it to the fullest. Whatever the rest of this day holds for you.....always keep God as your partner and Jesus Christ as your Savior. Continue to count your blessings. Each one of you is special and a blessing to me. AMEN

1 comment:

Osh said...

and I know who the green puker is...back in HS he puked in my hands!