Saturday, December 8, 2007

Tired of Migraines....

I have been suffering from migraines the past 3 months and another one hit yesterday. It was awful. Around 3pm I began throwing head hurts so bad that is makes me nauseous. By 7 I had another numb left arm and the shakes. I suppose it might be time to visit the doctor. This morning is better..but my head still hurts a little and I am drinking some gatorade to get some hydration back.

Supposed to have lunch with 3 ACTS sisters today in Bracken Village and I have so much to do around here. Our tree is up..not completely fluffed though. I would like to get it decorated tonight..pending I feel up to it. It is HUMID and something like 72 degrees this morning--UGH! Where is the cooler weather?! And why can't we simply demolish cedar trees? They are UGLY anyway and produce that awful cedar that is in the air for 2-3 months making everyone sick and cranky!

And can I just say how incredibly pissy it makes me when anyone does not return my call?! Family, Friends, service people, drs, etc. I am going to start doing the same as everyone else...being insensitive, rude, thoughtless, uninterested in how anyone is doing.....!! Ya know, my life is overwhelming too and I have lots I am involved in..but I always return calls!


Barb B said...

I didn't miss your call, did I? I am not the best at checking the machine as we get so many solicitations and/or service announcements from our lovely constiguents. I hope I didn't miss your call. Sorry if I did...

Susan Niño said...

you're silly didn't miss my call. And I mean repeated offenders of never returning calls..

Osh said...

you need Head On for migraines.
Works better than any migraine prescription I have had!