Monday, December 17, 2007

My Greatest Joy is Also My Greatest Challenge!

The above title is true for me when it comes to: my husband, my son and my home. Naturally, Danny and Paul are my biggest joys..but at the same biggest challenges! Let's leave it plain and simple like that for now.....

I have been sick since Thurs and am not doing a whole heck of a lot better. I was able to steam clean my carpeting this weekend--a hug chore! I had to take time outs along the way as I would get too worked up and became dizzy and had to lie down to rest a bit. Sunday brought lots of ministry work! Danny had to be a Eucharistic Minister at 9:30 mass. I visited The Haven and The Laurels from 3-4 to offer communion to the Alzheimer patients and those who live in the assisted living home. I read the Gospel for that day and then did a 10 min reflection. My co-hort, John P., said it went well and job well done! Then I rushed back home to pick up my desserts, Danny and Paul and we headed over to the other side of town for our Teams of Our Lady Christmas party. Melissa and Jesse made a wonderful ham dinner and we each contributed. The kids all did well and even my little man seemed to have fun..despite the chaos. This really is a huge deal, since Paul in the past, doesn't do well with large and loud groups of people. The kids exchanged gifts and then we had a ornament exchange among the adults. We were home around 8:30 and Paul was super tired and oh so ready for bed! So was I really!

This morning brought a visit to see Dr. Odmark for a treatment for Paul...something special called Neurolink. This treatment is supposed to help Paul with his Sensory Issues....eliminate them mostly. We go again Thurs morning and then in a week for a follow up. I am very hopeful this will work wonders. We have friends who took their son a few years ago to Dr. O...keep in mind this child was 5 and used only one word sentences...mine, eat, drink, car, book, help, etc. Upon completion of Neurolink..the follow up appt....this little boy sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in the car..on the way home from seeing Dr. Odmark! Incredible if you ask me!
After his appt we came back home to wait for Melissa from Brighton to arrive. Then around 11:30 my friend Lori came over so we could create a resume for her. All was accomplished and I am wiped out. However, there is MUCH to be done before my Mom and Wayne arrive on Thursday. I might take Paul to Kid Space when he wakes from his nap so I can come back home and do some things.

FROM -- today's reading and reflection.
"Listen to Israel, your father." –Genesis 49:2

When a young man falls in love and gets serious about a young woman, the time soon comes to bring her home to meet his family. Often this is a time of some anxiety. His worst fear might be: I'm afraid she'll leave me because she doesn't like my folks.

Jesus is the Groom (Mk 2:19) and we are the prospective bride. In Matthew's Gospel, Jesus introduces His ancestors before we get serious about our relationship with Him. It's as if He is saying that we won't be able to love Him unless we also love His family.

Imagine Jesus bringing you home to introduce you to His ancestors: "Come in! First, I'd like you to meet Jacob (Mt 1:2), a master deceiver (Gn 27:5ff). Next, I want you to meet Judah and Tamar (Mt 1:3). They aren't married, and conceived their son through prostitution (Gn 38:18). In this room, I'd like you to meet another prostitute, Rahab (Mt 1:5; Jos 2:1). Now here's a wonderful lady, Ruth (Mt 1:5). We had to go outside of the immediate family to find a worthy one like her (Ru 1:4). Over here is one of my favorites, David (Mt 1:6), a man after My Father's heart. Well, he did have a child through adultery with Bathsheba (2 Sm 11:4), and he did kill her husband and many others. Meet Solomon (Mt 1:7), the wise one of My family. He set a world record for lust, and his son Rehoboam (Mt 1:7) caused a civil war (1 Kgs 11:4; 12:13ff). Did you get to meet Manasseh? (Mt 1:10) He'd fit right in with today's 'culture of death' (see 2 Kgs 21:16)..."

Will you decide to walk out on Jesus? Or do you love Him enough to stay and love those He loves (1 Jn 4:20-21). Then He will adopt you into His family (Mk 3:34-35).

1 comment:

Osh said...

love the reading. it spoke to my heart today. thank you so much!