Friday, December 14, 2007

R E S C U E not R E S P E C T

Let me start this entry by saying that I am VERY sick with one of the worse sinus infections ever. I went to the DR yesterday. Master Paul has been sick since Sunday with congestion and a cough at night. I knew what all the drainage meant...ear infections are coming. So yesterday we went to see Dr. Brandy McCray. Yep---poor little man has 2 ear infections. We are quite the pair! We switched to Brandy a few months ago and I absolutely love her and she is so good with Paul!! I would highly recommend her to anyone here in SA!

So tonight my little man was pretty tired at 6:30...just like last night. He actually grabbed his silky blanket, grabbed my hand and led me into his room to change into pj's and read books and then off to bed. One of the books is a visit to the Sesame Street Firehouse. Elmo sees a truck and it is spelled R E S C U E..although when I read it (silly tone of course) I belted out R E S P E C T. What does that tell you?! A. My brain is fuzzy and B. I love Aretha!

Another first occurred tonight with Paul. Paul has Sensory Integration Disorder and has struggled with communication skills. He can label and identify almost anything, but has not used those pragmatic skills. Well, he is starting to, but not consistent yet. After his nap today..he climbed in his chair and said, "I hungry." Keep in mind I am a sensitive (SUPER) and emotional gal..I almost cried! AND when I asked, "want pudding?"...reply was "no." "want cookies"..reply was not yes..but a smile. I went with it!

Danny is taking a CFP test tonight. He is worried about it and thinks it was going to be super tough. If he doesn't pass..he can take it again after Christmas, but it would be nice he passed and didn't have to think about it! Paul and I prayed for Daddy around 6:10 tonight. Let's hope it helped!

My ACTS sister and friend ZZ sent me this incredible link to an awesome video of The First Gift of Christmas. A must see for all! Imagine me singing...or not. If you attend Holy Trinity Catholic Church...imagine Meliza singing this ever so slow and sweetly...the first Christmas gift came from above.....wrapped in starlight, tied with love...given with joy, a sweet baby boy...a gift for you and me.

My Mother's Helpers came over this morning for a little while so I could run errands in the cold and rain. Probably not too smart given my current sick level. One of those lovely errands was to get my face waxed. Well, I only wanted my eyebrows done, but she convinced me to do my lip, chin and a little on the side of my face--each side. Hormones suck and getting old! And it is true--beauty does hurt!

1 comment:

Osh said...

the pragmatics....I had to fight tooth and nail for Evan to get services for that.

Glad it is going so well and feel better soon!