Sunday, December 9, 2007

Miss Audrey ROCKS

It was a productive day around the Niño home. Danny got ALL the leaves raked and sucked up and spit out into trash bags and he put up our outside Christmas lights. I finished decorating the tree, made a cake for my MOPS meeting tomorrow, did 3 loads of laundry and hung out with Paul. Later in the day it was time to shower and get pretty for the St. PJ's Children's Home Board of Directors CHRISTMAS PARTY. Paula and Doug Miller were hosting the soiree at their home. Home is not really the castle might be a better term. Doug is a member of the BILL MILLER BBQ Family. (And fried chicken was served.) Good eats, good fellowship and Christmas Carols were sung before Paula would allow anyone to leave. She is an awesome faithful Catholic gal with some spunk! She is on the Board with Danny and serves on his Education Committee at the children's home. I found out she is originally from SA..went to UTSA and taught 3 years at St. Gregory Parish School. They have four lovely children. We met the 2 youngest girls tonight. The other 2 (son and daughter)--away at college...but coming home soon for the holidays!

I went to church at 6:30 to pick up our babysitter extraordinaire--Miss Audrey. She is a freshman at Reagan HS. She sings in the Life Teen Choir at 5:30 mass. She is too cute and so much fun to be around. We arrived back home around 10 and on the way driving Audrey home...she and I saw a fox running around on Canyon Golf Road. We had a fun talk...she is a lot like her Mother, Julie...who is my friend. She is also a faith filled young woman with great leadership skills..whether she knows it or not. I do! Her Dad, David--is my dentist and "spiritual advisor." David is in the deaconette program at Oblate. I think he has 3 more..maybe 4 years before he will be a Deacon. I can't wait!!!

Audrey, Julie and Bridget their house last weekend for David's birthday bash!

Paul woke up today from his nap--sick. He has a runny nose AND congestion. He didn't eat much dinner and I was just in there comforting him. I think it will be a rough night. So, I am off to get some sleep before he wakes again and needs his Mommy.

Peace be with all of you....

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