Monday, September 3, 2007

Bestest Husband

Many of you know that I have a super husband. Well, yesterday he allowed me lie down around 12:45 (when Paul was going down for his nap) and I fell asleep in about 15 min and basically napped for almost 5 hours! And while I was asleep he swept and mopped the kitchen and laundry room floor. I will hire him out..but he does not come cheap! Upon waking from a nice long slumber, it was time to get ready for a night out. My friend Courtney invited us to Mad Dogs to celebrate her sister's 30th birthday. Jennifer and Ryan came over at 7:30 to be with the lad. He seemed happy to see going out the door went well. The party was fun. I finally got to meet Courtney's sister and Dad. Ed is a character and very handsome. He and Danny enjoyed talking a little football. I enjoyed visiting with everyone and especially Courtney and her lovely Mom. I would have stayed longer..and Ms. Courtney wanted us too, but the sitters needed to get home, so we arrived back at the homestead at 11pm.

Our friend Philip came over this morning at 9am to help Danny finish putting together Paul's play set in the backyard. Danny hurt his back last weekend trying to complete the task and so I recruited Mr. Philip to assist. After an hour---all done! Can you believe it? It took hours and hours to put this thing together. I will post a picture of it this week! However, it is raining this afternoon, so Paul will have to wait...ho hum. Thank you Philip for getting out early on a holiday to help us. You're the best and we love you!

Danny then mowed and trimmed the front and back, while I was doing dishes and laundry..oh and feeding and playing with our little boy. He is napping now...since we have 2 hours under our belt. I feel that when he gets at least 2 hours, he is a happier boy and I am a happier Mommy for the rest of the day! Danny would like to go to Rudy's BBQ for an early dinner. Anyone interested?!

Tonight I have to get Paul's backpack ready for school. His first day of pre-school is tomorrow--9am is dropoff. And this prob happens all over, but I had no idea. To assist the kiddos in getting used to school and to ease separation anxiety, all we (parents) do is drive up, hold up our child's custom made sign (with color and animal to show which class) and his teacher opens the car door and gets him out of the car seat and away they go. I don't even have to get out. And when I pick him up at 2..same thing. Drive up and the teacher gets Paul in and strapped in and we're off! How cool is that?! Way cool in my book! Does that happen all over????

Did I already mention his class name is the BEARS?! Pretty neat since Paul just recently got into bears..from our Michigan trip and being with Grandma and Grandad. There are 7 boys and 4 girls in his class. Thank goodness for Ms. Charisse and Ms. Laura. Go get 'em gals!

I end this post with a few helpful reminders from His book...these came in an email from my dear friend Pam.
You say: "It's impossible."
God says: "All things are possible." Luke 18:27

You say: "It's not worth it."
God says: "It will be worth it." Romans 8:28

You say: "I can't imagine."
God says: "I will supply all your needs." Philippians 4:19

You say: "I'm afraid."
God says: "I have not given you a spirit of fear." 2 Timothy 1:7

You say: "I am always worried and frustrated."
God says: "Cast all your cares on Me." 1 Peter 5:7

May your life be full of peace, prosperity and power. Seek a closer relationship with God. He is waiting for you.....

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