Wednesday, July 18, 2007

What Makes You Laugh?

What makes you laugh? And when I say laugh, I mean that deep, belly laugh that makes your toes tingle and your face hurt. Some of us don't have the opportunity to laugh like that very often. The power of laughter is incredible. Scientists have proven that laughing can heal our bodies and, of course, lift our spirits.

My List: Oreo and Paul playing together and chasing one another around the house; when Paul dances....bouncing his legs with his tush stuck out shaking as he bounces; Danny or Paul tickling my feet; many of Jay Leno's jokes during his monologue; honestly--telling my dime dime quarter dollar joke....everyone is usually laughing so hard that it makes me laugh and cry; hearing a dirty joke from my 80+ mother-in-law; being with friends--there is always something that is said or happens; stories my sister Nikki tells about almost anything..she tells good stories and seems to always have funny things happen to her

Nehemiah 8:10 Nehemiah said, "Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This say is sacred to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength."

Laughter is a gift from God. Today and everyday, I ask our Lord to put a smile on my face, and allow me to share that smile with all who cross my path......and let me laugh. AMEN

I'd love to know your list! Please share! Email

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