Saturday, July 14, 2007

Countdown to the big 38!

One week from today...I turn 38! Hard to believe I think b/c I often feel like a kid! :-) Plans for the day....maybe a family activity in the AM and possibly a facial in the afternoon followed by dinner (place undetermined yet) with friends.

Danny's Mom went on a trip to Copper Mountain and Mexico for a week with her brother and his wife...otherwise known as Uncle John and Aunt Lupe. When they returned to SA, I picked her up and she spent the weekend with us. Then on Monday morning, Mary Esther, Paul and myself loaded up the car and headed to Houston...Friendswood actually. It is about 20/25 min south of Hobby Airport..just off Interstate 45. The trip wasn't a lot of fun. Paul was very fussy and cried and screamed a lot. I did not know what was wrong. I tried everything. And he never fell asleep even though I know he was tired. We made it to the Niño house around 3pm. Paul was not himself. He seemed to be kind of upset most of the time we were there. I had a hard time putting him to bed Monday night too. He and I slept together, which I have to say....was sweet. However, I did not get much sleep..maybe 4 hours. He moves around ALOT and always wanted to be snuggled up to me. And Danny can tell you..when I sleep..I don't want anyone touching me!

Morning came around 7:15..when my little boy started patting me to wake me up. Auntie Veronica, cousins Marisa and Daniel and the two of us headed to a recreation park pool around 11am. Maybe it was all the people in the pool, but for the first time around water, Paul was not interested in going all the way in. Finally he allowed Veronica to hold him in the water, but all the while he looked unsure and wasn't having any fun. And he did not take a nap again once we returned home. Maybe too much excitement....different house..different bed....young cousins around to play with..who knows?! Like I said above, I am a kid at heart. I spent time in the cul-de-sac with the kids and the neighbor kids on scooters. I was trying to catch/chase them while on the scooter. They all thought it was pretty fun to avoid and chase "Aunt Susan."
Around and humid outside, I took all 3 kids to a park about 5 min from the house. We had fun playing. Thank goodness for a nice summer breeze, otherwise, we all would have fainted. Paul was still acting up a lot and I was totally exasperated and decided we would go home a day early. I knew late Tues night that something was bothering him, but I did not know what. Poor guy cannot tell me frustrating for both of us.

Wed morning around 7--my boy had an exploding diarrhea diaper all over himself and the game room carpet. So I knew then..his tummy was hurting. We packed up and left around 9:15. Then on Thurs I became ill with a really bad cold...but also some flu symptoms. YUCK! I am still sick as I write this entry and headed off to bed.... I am doing better though...and hopefully will bounce back soon!

Above is a pic of Paul and his 2 cousins at the pool.....Marisa is 11 and Daniel is 6.

Peace out dog...

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