Thursday, April 24, 2008

I Love My Paulie Waulie and Viva Fiesta!

This is has been another busy week! Danny was in Houston all day Monday and I am busy at work having meetings, talking with prospects and preparing proposals! I had lunch with a long time friend from Frost Bank Tuesday. She now works at Plains Capital Bank..we had a nice visit.

Our friend Barney is in town all week for Fiesta! If you aren't from SA--check out our annual party--the whole town goes crazy and one big party and events all day long for 10 days. Lots of eating and drinking too!

Paul is doing so well at school. He has a lot of friends and his teachers love him a lot and he adores them too. Ms. Laura calls him Paulie Waulie and so do about 6 of his classmates. It is really cute and makes Paul smile and laugh. Interesting tidbit--Paul has a close buddy and her name is Jazzy. They are joined at the hip, hands and sometimes lips! Oh my----my little man is getting started early with the ladies. I am not surprised! :-) Jazzy will need an invite to Paul's bday party in June. Don't know yet what we're doing--but there will be some kind of party on June 14. He turns 3 on June 16! I cannot believe it!! They are having a school parade this morning at 10am to celebrate Fiesta, and I am going to enjoy and take pictures.

Paul is having his surgery tomorrow morning. Tubes in his ears and Dr. Moe is taking his adenoids out. My sweet friend Linda is meeting us at the surgery center. Danny goes to Houston tonight and doesn't come home until late tomorrow night. I needed someone to go with me. I am a little nervous since Paul will be going "under". I bet he is sensitive to anesthesia like his Grandma Jones and his Mother...we'll see I suppose.

My Dad and Jean arrive next Thurs for a long weekend visit. So much to do before they arrive. I broke down and hired a cleaning person and she will be coming on Tuesday to help me get the house in order.

I am off to get ready.......adios peeps!

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