Saturday, April 19, 2008

Ear Infections, ER Trips and Galas, OH MY

Another busy week in the Niño family. Paul was diagnosed on Sunday with 2 ear infections and probable sinus infection. I was busy with work and the house and Paul Monday and Tuesday.

Early Wed morning Danny told me he had been up most of the night with horrific chest pains and at one time he had some numbness and tingling in his left arm and fingers. Silly man wanted to wait until 9am and go see our family doctor. Uh, no. We're going to the ER Mr. So, I took Paul to school and away we went to NC Baptist ER. I dropped him off at the ER door and went to park. By the time I got in there--he was already taken back and hooked up for an EKG. I had to wait in the waiting room. About 20 min later--they put him in a room and I could go back too. Hooked up to machines and then blood drawn. The doctor came in and asked a lot of questions. Long story short---he doesn't think it was his heart. He also had an ultrasound on his gall bladder, pancreas and liver. The dr thinks it is a peptic ulcer or gastritis. Either way Danny needs to change his diet, lose weight, stress less and get a stress test done sometime in the next couple of months. We were there for 6-7 hours. Good care though!

Danny's Mom was in town this week, but the only day we saw her was Wed..after the whole ER trauma/saga. I picked her up in the late afternoon and then picked up Paul at school. Mom got to see Paul's classroom and meet one of his teachers. Then home to hang out with Daddy. Before I took Mary Esther back to Uncle John's house--I took her to Francesca's up on 281 North. I finally found a purse Danny could purchase for me--our anniversary is in 3 weeks. And no TMZ--it wasn't $550 or even $300 --- although I really wanted one of those--from Nordstrom.

Thursday was a good day at work. Erin took me to lunch to meet with a VIP prospect. He needs to be with us! And he's Catholic--and a super sweet man! A nice lunch at Luce at The Strand. Thanks Charlie and Gary--and Nick!! I also had a good meeting with one of our new mortgage folks. We just purchased a successful existing mortgage company and added them to our current mortgage division. Welcome friends!

Thursday night---my company had a table at The Child Guidance Center's dinner/gala event. I headed out to The Omni around 6 to meet up with co-workers for a drink before the event started. Really nice glass of pinot grigio--thanks Connie--I mean Nick!! :-) Silent Auction, nice meal and lots of laughs. Mr. Curt Anastasio CEO of NuStar was being honored. He's short....but a handsome man.

Whew--almost done with the week. Friday was catchup at work and make calls. I also worked on a couple of proposals. I also wasn't feeling too swift from the night before---one glass of wine too many! :-)

I need to do some chores while Paul is napping. Danny is at an appt with a client. We went to a bday party today from noon - 2pm. Paul rode the pony in the backyard 3 times. He did not wish to get off of Freckles..the pony! Danny and I said, "hmmmm, we might have to hire Freckles for Paul's birthday...!"

1 comment:

Osh said...

Glad Danny is OK! You had a supoer busy week, take care of yourself too.