Monday, June 25, 2007

You Know You're a Parent When......

Both you and your husband can lie in your bed, snuggled up close and recite the book..Goodnight Moon...and you have a discussion when one of you mixes it up a little and says goodnight to the items in the wrong order! Keep in mind that Paul was already asleep a few hours before in his bed! :-)

I am behind in writing.....Paul turned 2 on June 16. My Dad and Jean came from St. Louis as well as my brother and his family from Denver. Bright and early on June 16 we all ventured to the SA Zoo. My love, Paul, loves the lions, tiger, elephant and giraffe, but seems to be leery of the flamingos. They are VERY noisy! My niece, Lauren, is 6 and I had lots of fun with her! She is a joy to be around. Sometimes she reminds me of myself! Poor Tom and Alleson.... We rode the train around Brackenridge Park. Up top is a picture of Paul and Lauren. Lauren loves her little cousin...and vice versa of course. We raced back home to make sloppy joe's for lunch and get Paul down for a nap. Everyone went to their hotels and we all showered and got ready for the birthday party. Start time...3pm. End time..5:20pm. We went to the Blue Cactus Cafe which is 5 min from our home. The kids played on the playground while the adults mingled and ate and watched the kids playing. Paul gave lots of hugs and kisses...especially to Miss Mackenzie. She will be 2 in October. The theme..Curious George. We really lucked out with the weather too. There was a breeze, clouds and the rain held off until later that night. Paul and his cousin Daniel were sweaty little boys when we arrived home. Paul received a lot of nice gifts from family and friends. To name a few...Thomas the Train Laptop, flashlight, bouncy ball, clothes, books, Aquadoodle, Little People Airplane, animal figures, lawn mower that dispenses bubbles, t-ball set and the new Flyer wagon! Now, where does Mommy put everything?!

Father's Day (Sunday) was more relaxing. Church and then hanging out here at home. I took my family to Scenic Loop Cafe for a nice dinner. Really my Dad hosted, I just picked the restaurant. Again, Paul had fun playing outside on the play equipment and we all loved our meals! They really do have excellent food. And our server is a Junior at Michigan State. She is here for the summer living with her Dad. She was born in was brother and my Dad!

Last week was mostly catching up on sleep and getting things cleaned up after the big weekend. Paul had his 2 year well checkup. Both ears are still infected and so Cheryl put him on another round of meds! Poor baby. He is a whopping 35 3/4" tall, which is the 85th percentile for his age. Which means...only about 15% of kids his age are taller! He weighs 28 lbs, which is the 40th percentile. My boy is tall and lean. We already knew this of course.....!!

Danny had to work most of Saturday, so he allowed me to sleep in until 9am! It was pure heaven. He then went to work around 10 and came home around 4:30 so I could get ready for Maile's rad 1980's Pajama Party at 7pm. I will write about that another time...way fun! Awesome dude...As If! I went to church Sun at 9:30AM...had to serve communion to my fellow brothers and sisters. Then Sister Marge K treated me to 2 breakfast tacos made by our Knights of Columbus. Sunday afternoon..a church meeting and then collapsed in the evening.

I thought of this as I was reflecting and praying on Friday and wanted to share...

Go to sleep in peace...because God is always awake!

Sleep well...

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