Thursday, June 7, 2007

My sick boy....

Paul has been fighting allergies (like the rest of South Texas) for weeks now. He takes 2 prescription meds, but still suffering. After 16 days of it he finally starting acting sick and cranky/fussy. And he started coughing. So off to Dr. Trexler's we went this afternoon. And he was NOT happy to be there. Ask Blanca and Dr. T----if they even looked at him..he threw a fit! And when they left the room and closed the door...even worse. He wanted out and he wanted out right then!!! Wonder what he will do on June 20 when we go for his 2 year well check up and he gets shots! Maybe Danny can take him that morning and I can sleep in..... Diagnosis---2 ear infections and a bronchitis virus. So, three new meds!

Our friend Diane came over to be with Paul tonight b/c Danny has CFP class every Thurs night and I have a meeting at church every other Thurs night and I could not miss tonight. Thank you to Diane for dropping everything and coming to our aid. We are blessed in many ways!!

Paul is down for the night, but the poor baby is coughing and coughing. I think it might be a long night for all of us! I am off to watch the SPURS. Game 1 against Cleveland. GO SPURS GO!

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