Thursday, May 24, 2007

End of May

I just put Paul down for bed...about 30-45 min early. He seemed very tired. We read about 5 books...Goodnight Moon, Curious George and the Bunny....a touch and feel book on baby animals, Hermie and Wormie and Curious George and ABC's. I can hear him talking to himself. He will eventually go to sleep. Danny is at CFP class tonight--every Thurs night!

Something pretty funny happened Tuesday. Oh, around 5pm, Paul was in the family room and I could tell he was filling up his diaper with poopies. When he was done..he said in a pretty cool tone of voice.."oh yeah!" I laughed so hard I almost wet my pants. Will he continue this thru adulthood? Some of my GNO friends said..yes..he is a male right?! I told the girls last night--where did he get that? -- Danny does not say that upon completion of using the restroom. They laughed and said.."oh, how often are you in there with him?!" subject.....

Jennifer and Ryan (my mother's helpers) came over this morning. I went shopping for some birthday gifts, to party city and the all exciting post office and bank. It is so nice to get out without Paul and get things accomplished. I do believe Paul enjoys his time with the kids. I say kids..but they are almost 12 and 14. Young adults you might say.....

I exercised today...winsor pilates and Paul and I went for our usual 30 min walk. I need to drop 30-35 lbs and would like to get it done by the end of October. For dinner tonight--a salad and some crackers with peanut butter and lots of water today. Please pray for me that I can be disciplined to finally do this! I am bringing in my urban rebounder from the garage and going to do that 4 times a week...30 minutes every time.

Ooooooo, found out this week that 2 friends from Frost Bank are expecting their first child in August. A girl if I read the baby registry correct! I trained both of them..Jessica is a manager in Customer Service and Jaime now works for Wachovia (at least last we knew he did).

Paul and I had MOPS on Monday..last one until August. A nice time with other Mommies! And Krispy Kreme......which I am not supposed to eat right?! On Tuesday--we went to Destiny's house for a play date. Ryan, Drew and Paul played outside and inside. Paul was cute---hugged both the boys while we were there. Destiny and I chatted and began planning the baby shower we're hosting for our friend Jena B. in July. Jena is having her third--a girl! Sophia Marie. She will join 2 brothers..John and Ben (Paul's friends!)

I am now off to read and do dishes. My goal is to be asleep by 10:30. I need to make some calls too. This weekend is busy, and I know Mr. Danny needs to do some work and lots of studying. We have Teams of Our Lady Sunday night and we hope to do something as a family Monday AM. Until next time...cheers!

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