Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Morons - why would ANY American want a man who will not place his hand over his heart to honor this country's past, present and future and show ANY

sign of Patriotism???!! Aside from the issues and plans for this country -- why isn't that a big deal to all the Barack supporters?? Our Country's US FLAG CODE says.......During a rendition of the national anthem— (1) when the flag is displayed— (A) all present except those in uniform should stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart; (B) men not in uniform should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold the headdress at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart; Seriously -- do people know the Constitution and the history -- you want the Commander in Chief of the USA to purposely NOT show reverence when our National Anthem is played??!!! I really do not grasp that one bit!!! The terrorists are hoping he is elected and then they can really take us down.....

Can ANYONE enlighten me? And you mean to tell me..the SAME pastor who a while back....Barack said was HIS Spiritual Mentor for 20 years...and Barack attended his church for 20 years....Barack and Michelle NEVER heard that moron Pastor Wright rantings like we all heard and now know?! Come on....are people really that stupid?? And remember this...Barack condemned Imus when he made those remarks about the black female athlete..but THEN did not condemn Pastor Wright for making those atrocious remarks? Do you need a refresher as to what the Pastor said??!! Obama said....YES he did..that Pastor Wright is his sounding board... My opinion.......This Pastor is a hater. Obama has attended over 800 sermons. ....and not JUST be association people.......use common sense here! Why does it not piss off everyone in this country that Pastor Wright said..."we deserve what we got. We "rich, white peeeeople" deserve to be blown up on 9/11." HELL--he can't even use the right verb tense!!!

And also---did you NOT hear when Michelle Obama stood tall at a podium and stated...I HAVE NEVER BEEN PROUD OF THIS COUNTRY.until now.......that my husband is running for President. SHIT lady -- then why did you stay in America all these years???!!!! UGH!! And please....she meant exactly that!!!! She is an angry woman...WATCH OUT USA! WHY WHY WHY is anyone really thinking all of that is ok? Again -- I am not talking politics or bills or taxes..or spending..or people who think the govt owes them.....blah blah blah.......

Philippians CH 3 says, "Beware of the dogs! Beware of the evil workers! Beware of the mutilation!"

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