Sunday, October 19, 2008

Glorious Day

Today has been simply marvelous! I slept in this morning..9am! Paul and I went for a morning walk....played with the bat and ball...and played chase in the backyard and finished off the morning with swinging, climbing and sliding on our play set. Then I headed to The Woodhouse Day Spa for an afternoon of pampering. Danny and Paul bought me a spa gift package for Mother's Day and it was time to use it.

For organic peel facial with April. It was divine..especially the part when she said, "you don't have any wrinkles!" She sounded a little surprised since I am 39...but hey, instead of wrinkles. I have redness and brown spots that have appeared the past few years. It was so wonderful lying on the warmed bed..with warming slippers on. Heavenly..... Next, two young gals got me from the "tea room" to pamper me some more with a peppermint sea scrub pedicure and a spritzer manicure. They carry my GLO makeup and I needed some of the hydrating mist. I also bought some cleanser and cream for my face. And the whole day I have been be more peaceful, joyful and hopeful. I read this scripture verse this morning and God's Word really spoke to though He knew I really needed this! Duh--of course He knows!!!!

From John, Chapter 16..."Behold, the hour is coming and has arrived when each of you will be scattered to his own home and you will leave me alone. But I am not alone, because the Father is with me. I have told you this so that you might have peace in me. In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world."

My Dad and Jean are coming for the Thanksgiving holiday. And we are going to Northern MI for Christmas to be with my Mom and Wayne. Ya know.....the holidays will be here before we know it!

Paul is going to be a rock star for Halloween. We're taking him to the ZOO BOO and I know we will have a blast! Non-scary--for Danny and Paul and lots of activities such as face painting, trick-or-treating, games and music. Everyone is encouraged to wear costumes and kids can participate in the costume contest. The zoo is our favorite place to go!

I must finish up a couple of chores before I settle down for the night. Back to work tomorrow....another day...another dollar. :-)

Please keep Stacy and Spencer in your prayers. Their little baby was born on Oct 7 and he lived 16 minutes. While they knew it was going to happen --it is still a horrific tragedy. Her blog entry today has a sweet video to honor Isaac.

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