Thursday, August 14, 2008

Celebrity Casino Night

Hola peeps!

So much to write about--but limited time of course. My wish for the rest of the year is that life slows down, but I seriously do not see that happening.

Last weekend was busy with the SA Builders Association Clay Shoot. It was HOTTER than Hades at the shooting complex. Thankfully the food, drinks and fellowship were great! Saturday brought chores and errands. In the evening I attend Tony and Eva Longoria Parker's Casino Night to benefit her non profit--Eva's Heroes. Around 1000 people packed into Pedrotti's. Lots of interesting attire and celebrities. The food was ok..nothing to really write home about. We had fun playing Blackjack. Our table was fun and the dealer was a hoot! One of the rooms hosted a Texas Hold Em poker tournament. I would guess 300 people took part in that. The grand prize was a seat the World Series of Poker. I left around 11 and haven't learned yet who won. It was down to about 3-4 tables with 6-8 people each. Eva was still in at her was T Park.

Sunday brought more chores and we hosted our church group over for our monthly meeting and dinner. I was pooped at 9am Sunday night! I needed a day to re group--but alas, Monday was a work day! UGH! I don't think I fully woke up until after lunch on Monday. And I could tell I was getting sick. I don't get enough rest and my diet is well, not good!

I made an appt with a pediatric neurologist for Paul. We can't get in until Oct 29, but that's ok. It will be here before we blink....... We go Aug 21 to find out the final report from the school district about Paul. They evaluated/tested him on 3 separate occasions in late May and early June. I have been reading some books on Asperger's --high functioning Autism--and according to many lists.....a child needs to meet a certain number of criteria to remotely be considered having Asperger's. Paul has one characteristic. My gut tells me he doesn't have any form of autism, but does have some social and behavior issues that need to be worked out before he goes to school. And that may not happen either. He is definitely a sensory seeking boy and needs to go go go...and I think we need to wear him out more. But crap--it is so dang hot! It's difficult to be outside. With all the reading and asking of questions of so many professionals, we feel he does some a mild - medium case of SI - Sensory Integration dysfunction. Praise God he doesn't have cancer or a more severe illness or disability. Paul is so silly and fun to be around. He is a loving and sweet little boy and I could eat him up!!!

I have been playing around with my new SLR digital camera. I need to sit down and take some time to read through the book and really get acquainted with how to use all the features. It is truly amazing and I love it! Below is a pic of my new shoe--the one I posted about these shoes! They are so me! Don't you think??!!

I am getting my haircut later today and then home to get some rest. I have a 7:30 breakfast meeting and then 2 other meetings tomorrow and I don't want to feel icky. I told Danny I wish to lay low this weekend and get some extra rest and spend time as a family. We have not scheduled events---thank GOD!

Peace out sisters and brothers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.