Sunday, March 30, 2008

131 Posts

Hola peeps!

It's been another busy week for me. Danny was in Houston Mon-Wed night. So it was Paulie and I hangin together. Monday night he really missed his Daddy and wanted to sleep with me...I obliged my little man. He slept great, me on on the other hand..not so much. Work is great, just lots of networking events and appointments.

Thursday was the first day of another Women's ACTS retreat. I was on the Home Team and had to go out to Cordi Marian Retreat Center around 5:30 to help set up and serve dinner to 75 women. It is always wonderful to be around ACTS sisters. We had a lot of fun as usual. I even had some special one on one time with my good friend JoAnne. She served as the Spiritual Director for the retreat--a position I had last April. So, I complete knew all her preparation and what she was feeling Thursday night before the women arrived.

I will have to come back to this entry...... time to get ready for my ride. Peter and Martha are coming at 3:15 --and we're all going out to Fatso's on Bandera to watch the Kansas vs. Davidson game at 4. If we win--the boys come to San Antonio next weekend for the FINAL FOUR--and I am going--courtesy of my new employer!!!

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