Thursday, March 6, 2008

Lady With Migraine Needs Help....

UGH---came down with a migraine yesterday afternoon around 4. I came home around 5:00, barfed, stripped down (cause I was hot and perspiring profusely) and put the ceiling fan on. Called Danny to let him he was picking up Paul. Took some prescription meds and went to sleep for 2 hours. Still today a lingering headache...mild migraine..but oh so darn annoying!!! Awful feeling indeed and made worse b/c I missed GNO and we were going here to celebrate Tina's birthday. So sorry I had to miss it!

I did not pass my license exam on Monday. Missed it by 3 lousy questions. In other words, three more correct answers and I would have passed! It is HARDER than it was 8 years ago and the license/legal dept at my company did not give me the proper material. BUT NOW I have another study guide book and it should help. I am taking it again this Monday at noon.

I need to hit the hay folks. Difficult to find the time to write blog entries.....since going back to work! A final note--my Kansas Jayhawks beat Texas Tech (sorry Terrence) by a whopping 50 points on Monday basketball for those non sports fans. But seriously, how can you not love college basketball?! I am so ready for March Madness! The FINAL FOUR is here in San Antonio this year. Come on KU---get here already!

TGIF - tomorrow!

1 comment:

Osh said...

you need to quit your job and blog more.

And I know it is ghey, but I use Head On! and it really works! I have saved many an Imitrex by using it.