Sunday, February 3, 2008

A Little of This...A Little of That

Busy week in the Niño home. Sick people, movies, getting jobs, chores, being sick, college basketball games, being sick, visiting drs....

GNO this week was Courtney, Tina and myself. Camino Ranch Cafe and then a movie. We saw Atonement and I liked it...not exactly a girly movie for GNO----maybe better for another night..but nonetheless, a good flick. And I went to see Juno this afternoon. Loved this movie!

Texas won this weekend as did my Kansas Jayhawks. However, KU lost to KSTATE on Wed night and about crushed me. No worries, we are 21-1 and ranked #2 in the country.

Danny has been very sick since Thursday. I tried to get him to visit the TX Med Clinic know how men are when they are sick...STUBBORN!!! BUT--he is even worse today, so he is now at the Med Clinic and I won't be surprised to learn he has the flu! Paul is getting breathing treatments and another round of antibiotics for his ear infection. He is doing much better this afternoon and will go to school tomorrow. I kept him home last Monday and again on Friday.

1 comment:

Osh said...

I have been waiting all day for the gross story!