Sunday, February 10, 2008

Danny has Walking Pneumonia

It has been a long and difficult week. Danny started getting sick over a week ago and on Sunday, Feb 3 visited the Texas Med Clinic and was diagnosed with the flu. Ordered to stay in bed for a few days. He only got worse during the week and so he finally went to see our doctor who said he now had a severe ear infection AND walking pneumonia. More bed rest and more meds. I think we have spent over $400 on Danny's medical issues the past 12 days with dr visits and medications. Yes, ALL out of pocket. UGH! A real scary moment was this past Thursday night when Danny had a temp of 104 and the shakes and chills. That high of a temp is not good! And since he has been sick for more than 10 days--no help with Paul or around the house. I am worn out. Not exactly how I wished to start my new job--which begins this Wednesday.

I took Miss Oreo to the vet Friday morning for her annual checkup and shots. She was a trooper. The vet tech and dr oooed and ahhed over her. She is a sweet and cute dog. Her weight is perfect...29.8lbs and she is healthy. The only thing was her left ear had a bunch of brown and black wax and guck. Dr. Antosh cleaned it out and suggested we might have to clean her ears once a week. No biggie--I can do that!

I took Master Paul to the zoo this morning. We had a fun time walking around and visiting all of our animals. It started getting pretty crowded as we headed out. That is why I love to go around 9 and leave at 11am.

I still feel a litlte punk. I cannot shake this congestion and tiredness. Paul just woke from his long nap. I need to run 2 errands. Danny is feeling a little better...well enough to get out of bed and watch the SPURS play this afternoon. Although--they lost. :-(

From 1 Corinthians 13, "Love....does not seek its own advantage....."
Teach your heart to swim in the ocean of love. Do not take yourself too seriously! His Will includes our happiness here and now. Surrender to Him, and ask Him to teach you how to love and be joyful. AMEN

1 comment:

Osh said...

I hope Danny gets better soon!

and you go get the behind the counter will dry you up in no time and you won't progress any further!