Thursday, April 26, 2007

I'm back from a long break.....

It's been so long since my last blog that I forgot my username and password in order to create a new post. So, I am starting again.......

Beginning in January----meeting and planning for an ACTS retreat at my parish. A=Adoration (of our Lord and Saviour!) C= Community.....T=Theology....S=Service I was the Spiritual Director and loved it! I grew a lot...especially in my faith. The retreat weekend was April 12-15 and it was awesome! The Holy Spirit was a moving everywhere! The 42 ladies who came on the retreat were all lovely and some rather animated! One such sister was my Mother-in-law..Mary Esther. She said it was like a vacation with all your favorite women around! Ditto Mom! Our theme songs were WE ARE COMPANIONS and LEAN ON ME.........yeah baby!

In the middle of all this retreat planning...a girls weekend in Chicago to celebrate Tina's 40th birthday! We stayed downtown and had a fabulous time. Our theme song for that weekend and still MIMS..This is Why I'm Hot.....I'm fly and you're not! Too many stories to add now....

And I know the Devil was working hard on me....cause I was basically ill for 6 weeks. And in fact..still have a cough that I cannot shake! I told him to go to Hell......

Lots of Paul stories to share.......things he has been doing the past 3 months....playing, moving, climbing, more playing..sleeping, talking, laughing.....he loves to go to the playground in Canyon Springs. His Mommy showed him how to climb UP the slide using your hands and feet! He figured it out real quick! He still loves to read! He now helps say some of the words as you read to him..sometimes you are you can say that now huh?! Good for you buddy! He still likes to throw things and hit when he is unhappy, mad or tired. Eeeee ho le......sometimes I just do not know what to do.....reading some books on discipline...1 2 3 Magic seems to work well. He said GA MA...when Mary Esther was here this month and we were all at the playground. My Mom and Wayne are coming May 9 and I hope he will greet her with HI GA MA! He does have a big sweet friendly smile...kinda like his Mommy. When he laughs big----it's my laugh..and pretty much everything else about him..yeah..all me. So, who can fault him for any personality issues....they are mine. :-)

And I went to see a new Rheumatologist recently and have some new meds for my fibromyalgia..and for anyone who thinks it does not exist...come over and feel my trigger points and scream out in pain when you gently put some pressure on the 13 areas! Uh yeah...anyway, it will take some time, but I am also trying to exercise, eat better,,,none or little diet coke...and getting better sleep..which is where I need to head now. So I can be asleep by 10pm. I promise to blog again soon..not that anyone really cares...but it's nice to be able to keep a journal this way.

Paul is now 22 months old..weighs about 28 lbs and is very tall! He is solid too! He is going to get his first haircut very soon!!!!

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