My Dad and Paul
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Please....Are You Driving a Phonebooth or a Vehicle??!
My Dad and Paul
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Whatever is Lovely....Think About Such Things
Friday, March 6, 2009
I am the busiest unemployed person I know! I am still job hunting and am getting close to possibly applying at HEB, Target, Best Buy or Hobby Lobby. The only potential problem I see with those places - is working weekends and evenings. Time with Paul and Danny are so important. I am plugging away at securing a teaching position in the Catholic Schools for this next school year. I have not been able to shake the idea for a couple of years now and feel it is God's will. So, we shall see! I am at peace with the fact it may not happen this year and it may take another year to accomplish my goal. God throws all these detours my way....I guess I have to take them so I can get there! :-)
We go next week to the neurologist to find out the results of Paul's sleep study. We took Paul in again to the Kids Express lab this week where they took urine and oh, 6 tubes of blood. Poor baby - his arm is badly bruised this time b/c they had a hard time getting it this time around.
Why it is every time Obama talks to the nation - the market drops?! I know why..... Can you believe he said on national TV that the market is not that important. Ummmm, ok - tell that to all the people who have lost value on their retirement and pension funds. Way to go America - electing this man. UGH!
There is so much to blog about, but I have limited time right now. We have a new edition to the Niño family - my sister and brother in law had Esteban Andres on Feb. 26. He was 1 oz shy of 9lbs. He is a cutie boy and I can't wait to see him! They live in Friendswood, TX and so it is some distance.
The women's ACTS retreat is fast approaching. We are on the home stretch in our preparation! The retreat weekend is April 2-5. It will be rockin and spirit filled weekend! There is room for 42 women to attend I so far we have 37 or 38. It will fill up and many will be on the waiting list.
I am headed to Chuck E Cheese today for a 12:30 birthday party for Miss Anissa. She turns 4! Her Daddy is a childhood friend of Danny's. Paul is at school, so I am going alone. But that's ok - more freedom for me to play with the other kiddos & play games!! Woo Hoo!!
I finish this brief entry with this.....
Jesus is the light of the world. He is the truth, the way and the light. He sanctifies our spirit and sets our heart on fire!
I heard this scripture last night at my Stephen Ministry meeting and it spoke directly to me.....maybe it will do the same for you!
From James 1:2-6.... "Consider it all joy, my brothers (& sisters) when you encounter various trials, for you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. And let perseverance be perfect, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. But if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and he will be given it. But he should ask in faith, not doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed about by the wind. "
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Susan Ran a 5K on Saturday and Didn't Puke!
I am getting back to the gym this week! Julie and I have a goal to do the Rock n Roll half marathon in Nov - so we have some time - but we have a lot of training to do!
Paul had a sleep study done recently and we go next month to the neurologist for the results. He and I suspect Paul has sleep apnea. Danny has it..and I know his brother and Mom probably have it well as my Dad. Did u know babies and kids can have it?! I bet you didn't know....
I reminded Danny we have to take Paulie in for more blood work this week. But this time he has to fast. Danny has a busy week so I need to find someone to go with me. I don't do needles well and will cry when my baby has to lie on the hospital bed and get 7 tubes of blood drawn. Any takers on going with us???? Please....!!! Pretty Please with sugar and a cherry on top!
I am the busiest unemployed person I know..... along with getting things lined up for subbing in NEISD and working on getting a job in the Catholic are other things going on in my life....
Monday: ARD/IEP for Paul 8am & ACTS meeting from 7-9pm.
Tuesday: Breakfast with Tina & Digital Photography Class with Rhonda 7:30 - 9pm
Wednesday: The South Texas Pediatric Stroke Stroll Committee meeting - 5:30pm
Thursday: Lunch with my Spiritual Mentor & Book Club at 7:30pm
This is also the last week for me to raise money for my Queen of the Vine Campaign. I fell so short of my original goal, but I will continue to raise money and awareness for Brighton forever!
On Friday is a very special birthday - my best friend Stacey! I met her my senior year at KU. My sweetie pie boyfriend Ace was shaking a rug over the balcony and the dirt was falling...on her head as she came up the stairs. What a first meeting indeed! She was in grad school and even though she did her undergrad work at Kansas State, we became fast friends and remain close. We are so much alike-it is scary at times. She lives in Edwardsville, IL with her husband and 2 boys. Something funny --she and a high school classmate were in my first wedding in 1992. And during our class reunion - learned Elaine lives in Edwardsville and went to MOPS with Stacey. But neither of them remembered one another or the Susan connection. How bizarre is that?!
Danny and Master Paul went to Houston yesterday/today to surprise his Mom for her 85th birthday. Mary Esther moved to Houston and moved in with Danny's brother and his family a few years ago. I understand Paul had a great time with everyone and played hard. Uh, what's new?! He had so much fun that apparently he did not wish to leave and would not give anyone a hug today - b/c he knew that meant he was leaving. I was anxious for them to return today. I was a little sad when Danny called at 3pm to let me know they just left. I was hoping they would be home around 4...but instead it was 6:30.
I read a cute phrase today -- "Good Moms bake..Smart Moms outsource!"
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in that secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Psalm 139:13-16
Ok peeps--just because you accept Christ, life is not in an instant completely bearable. It isn't daisy's and roses. There are still hard times. There is still the pain. Yet along with that pain there is hope. And peace. And a better tomorrow because Christ claims you as His own. I am blessed to have Danny as a husband so many friends who really know me - and love and support me anyway. :-) Danny & I have each other...and we have Christ. If I had real faith and trust in the Lord, much of my pain might have been easier to bear. These past five years have been awesome and I now cannot imagine going through any pain and hardships not knowing Jesus. The peace He has given me... and will give me. The hope and comfort He has offered... and will always offer - one word...OUTSTANDING.
My wish & prayer for the coming month - that all the people I know...and those who I don't know..will watch the movie FIREPROOF. Whether you are married or not - you MUST view this incredible movie. Watch it alone - with your spouse - with a friend. I don't care - but watch it. Not only do we need to fireproof our marriages, but simply put - we need to fireproof our lives from Satan. He will keep coming after us and if we don't have the faith and trust in God--he just might win! And bottom line peeps - Satan Sucks! Tell him to GO TO HELL!
Hugs to all!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
By Your Side
After the shower, we went back to Chris and Veronica's house to relax and visit. Then around 10 - Veronica, Marisa and I went to Friday's and had some appetizers. Back at the house later - I was in the study watching Daniel - my 7 year old nephew - play Clone Wars on the laptop. WOW - impressive! At midnight - we sent him to bed. I wanted to use the laptop to do some FB stuff. Chris was on his computer and we hung out for an hour I think. Chatting about music and FB stuff and work issues. My trip home on Sunday was not as crazy. Although it did rain some on I-10. I do have to write about the Sunday morning activity at the house and all its craziness..but another time.
Paul had been sick since Thursday with a fever and a bad cough. He still has the cough and probably will for another week, but the fever is finally gone. He went back to school yesterday!
I am headed to the gym in about an hour. And then home to make dinner for my boys!
My advice for today - It's not too late to be what you might have been! From Isaiah 43:18-19 - "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past...I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland."
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night?
My monthly book club meeting last Thursday was a good one. We discussed The Shack. People either loved it or not so much. I was in between really. It is a fictional book - so remember that! Adrianna made a very nice spread and I of course took a bottle of wine. I had prepared discussion questions ahead of time and sent them to all the gals. We had a huge turnout with about 13 people! This month's book is Waiting for Morning by Karen Kingsbury. I went and bought it today and will start reading it this tomorrow. It looks to be a book on forgiveness..something every Christian is called to matter what! Lamentations 1:20 says, "I am in torment within, and in my heart I am disturbed." And Lamentations 5:21-22 says, "Restore us to yourself, O Lord, that we may return, renew our days as of old unless you have utterly rejected us and are angry with us beyond measure." I ask you to consider this....who in your life has weighed you down with chains? Have you forgiven them? If not - why? Ask God to help you do so.
I finally watched the inspirational movie FIREPROOF..with the handsome Kirk Cameron. He is a doll!!! OMG - incredible movie!! Danny then watched it Monday evening and we talked about it for a while--until the wee hours of the morning. If I had all the money in the world, I would purchase the bundle for all married people. There is a DVD, guidebook and the 40 day Love Dare Journal. Go here for the info on the material. Go here for the primary site of the movie.
Forgiveness and unconditional love are important and real messages in this movie.
Pull out your bible and read these passages........and reflect and act on them!
Proverbs 15:1; James 1:19–20; Matthew 5:21–26; Romans 12:17–21; Galatians 5:19–21; Isaiah 55:5–7; Psalm 130:3–4; John 15:5–7; Matthew 11:28–30.
Tonight I am attending a meeting for the planning of the inaugural Pediatric Stroke Awareness Walk-A-Thon. My friend Julie has a young son/toddler who suffered a stroke when he was only a couple months old. She wishes to start a chapter here in San Antonio for Pediatric Stroke Awareness and I am going to help!
And for the ladies..........these Lancome beauty products ROCK my world - get them!
*Absolue Powder - gives u a younger, softer face! Oh and it sparkles a little. :-)
*Maquicomplet coverup - conditions too! I of course use a light shade...ivoire
*CILS lash conditioner - love it!!!!
Thanks to Robyn for helping me look more glamorous and vibrant!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Jonah's Prayer
Ok, at my ACTS meeting on Monday night, we heard the story of Jonah - his prayer..from CH 2. The prayer teaches us many things: 1. obedience to God 2. willingness of spirit 3. gratitude 4. compassion 5. God's mercy 6. God's patience
From the book of Jonah 2: 1-10
"But the LORD sent a large fish, that swallowed Jonah; and he remained in the belly of the fish three days and three nights. From the belly of the fish Jonah said this prayer to the LORD, his God: Out of my distress I called to the LORD, and he answered me; From the midst of the nether world I cried for help, and you heard my voice. For you cast me into the deep, into the heart of the sea, and the flood enveloped me; All your breakers and your billows passed over me. Then I said, "I am banished from your sight! yet would I again look upon your holy temple." The waters swirled about me, threatening my life; the abyss enveloped me; seaweed clung about my head. Down I went to the roots of the mountains; the bars of the nether world were closing behind me forever, But you brought my life up from the pit, O LORD, my God.
When my soul fainted within me, I remembered the LORD; My prayer reached you in your holy temple. Those who worship vain idols forsake their source of mercy. But I, with resounding praise, will sacrifice to you; What I have vowed I will pay: deliverance is from the LORD. Then the LORD commanded the fish to spew Jonah upon the shore."
One thing that came to my mind is where Jonah the belly of a whale! How crazy is that really?! This shows us no place is amiss for prayer. AMEN? AMEN!
So, you can pray anytime, anywhere.....amidst the chaos of 3, 4 or 5 children....stuck in traffic.....on an the public a a a sports a the car while your son is visiting the the office....and even while on Facebook. Go for it!
To quote a commercial and cell phone ad.....Can you hear me now? Do you ever feel that your situation is so hopeless and entangled that God could never bail you out? The belly of the fish is a lot safer place than the depths of the sea. God is moving Jonah through various stages on the way back to following Him.
My thought: as long as you can still pray there is still hope.
Another lesson we can learn from Jonah's prayer is the God of the second chance hears our desperate cries despite the depths of our distress. GOD’S DELIVERANCE IS NOT CONSTRAINED BY THE DEPTHS OF OUR DISTRESS! I have been what I call "down deep in the pit" and every single time...God has delivered me out of it!
And I believe the Lord wants to train us to be merciful instead of judgmental and prideful. Do you agree?
Here are some questions to reflect on...if u are so inclined as to share your answers with me..I would love that! You can do so here...make a comment or to be more me.
1. When have we felt disconnected from God? How have we seen Him still respond to our prayers and pleas for help?
2. How have we learned to be merciful to others from God showing us mercy?
3. What vain idols have we had to turn away from in order to faithfully maintain our loyalty to our God?
4. How are we encouraged by resting in the sovereignty of God – "Salvation is from the Lord"?
Oh cardio class is in one hour.....wish me luck!