Monday, December 1, 2008

Twenty One Things That Have Happened Since My Last Entry.....

in no particular order....

1. Danny took his CFP exam on Nov 21 and 22.

2. I attended the Orphan's Ticket Home gala on Nov 21 - it was wonderful! Did you know there are 143,000,000 orphans in the world!

3. We bought a 22" LG TV for our bedroom.

4. I became addicted to Facebook; especially Word Challenge and Geo Challenge!

5. We took Paul to see Madagascar 2- and we all loved it!

6. Attended an ACTS sister's wedding - performed by the same priest who married us!

7. Got to experience/treat our doggie Oreo who had fleas!

8. Did a lot of shopping.....surprise surprise!

9. Took Paul to a lab where they drew 7 tubes of blood - ordered by the Pediatric Neurologist.

10. Went to the Murphy's for our monthly Teams of Our Lady Meeting - it was wonderful!

11. Cleaned out my car and got is washed - inside and out! It still looks pretty good!

12. Put up our Christmas tree.

13. Welcomed my Dad and Jean for Thanksgiving.

14. Ate Thanksgiving dinner at Cracker Barrel - it was VERY good and no dishes!

15. Started reading The Shack - for my January book club - awesome Christian Mamas.

16. Worked my company's booth at the Rock n Roll Expo - saw many people and had fun!

17. Bought these really cute drink coasters at the Expo for my friend Jennifer - they say:
"I run to drink wine"

18. Bought tickets for the three of us to attend some Freestyle Motorcross event in January
with some co workers (and their 2 little boys) - although not sure what we're going to see.....

19. Got my haircut...a little shorter!

20. Added a lot of new friends on Facebook.

21. Prayed a lot for the following: guidance, peace, healing, safety, grace, wisdom, comfort.

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