Friday, June 13, 2008

Paul Graduates from ECI Therapy

Since Paul turns 3 on Monday, the ECI (Early Childhood Intervention) dept at Brighton must stop giving Paul his speech and occupational therapy. His three lady friends came over this past Wed afternoon and brought gifts, a certificate of completion, and lots of hugs, kisses and laughs. Paul did his best to entertain them.....he did marvelous and eventually even put on the graduation gown Miss Vanessa brought. I have so much to blog about, but it is late for this old gal and I need to get to bed. Below is a great picture of Paul with Miss Vanessa, Miss DeeDee and Miss Melissa. He loves them all so much and I know will miss seeing them on a regular basis. He has come a long way since October. Shoot---those teachers at St. Mark's would be awfully surprised to be around him now. The other is my little man dancing around and being silly in his graduation gown.

Oh and we have Paul's birthday party tomorrow at 10:30am. We're going to the McKenna Children's Museum in New Braunfels. We should have about 15 kiddos and 15 -20 adults. I know it will be a fun time!

Love to all of you......wherever you are!


Osh said...

congratulations to you Paul! and Happy Birthday!

Susan, now the Public School takes over right?

Anonymous said...

yes they do! He's already been tested with them and does qualify for speech..begins in Aug though when school starts again. They also tested him this past week for Autism....any of the spectrum. We'll get the full report later..he did great...everything they asked and were looking for. So who knows.....we'll wait and see.

Osh said...

keep me posted! He is so cute!